Mass Times

Tuesday: 6:00pm
Thursday: Noon
Saturday: 4:00pm
Sunday: 11:00am

Saturday: 3:00–3:45 pm and by appointment


Feb 14
Feb 28

News and Updates:

Devotion to Sacred Heart

Friday, February 7

Parish Council

Tuesday, February 11
6:45 pm

Friday, February 14
6:00 pm

Baptismal Preparation
Saturday, February 15
10:00 am

Baptismal Preparation Class

Wednesday, February 19
6:00 pm

Mommy Ministry
Sabika Bingo
Saturday, February 1
1:00 pm


Sabika Bingo

DMI Survey

Italy Pilgrimage

Woman’s Retreat

Flocknote Sign-up

Directions to the Church

507 Harrison St., Princeton, WV 24740

From I-77 North take exit 9, Princeton, & turn left at the top of the ramp.
From I-77 South take exit 9, Princeton, & turn right at the top of the ramp.

Proceed to the 4 way intersection which contains an Exxon, Days Inn, Marathon Gas Station, and a church. Turn right at this stoplight {if you turn left you head to Applebees, Texas Steakhouse and several hotels}. The road ends in about 50 feet, take a left on to Thorn St. Travel past McDonalds, go straight through the first stop light and over a bridge. Go through the second stop light. Then turn at the first left, this is Sixth Street. The church will be straight head.


Fr. Sebastian E. Devasya


Laura Wyatt

Parish Secretary

Kim Hickman

Office Manager

Lorin Albin

Youth Ministry Coordinator


Campus Minister

Laura Wyatt

Religious Ed. Coordinator