News and Updates:
Devotion to Sacred Heart
Friday, February 7
Parish Council
Tuesday, February 11
6:45 pm
Friday, February 14
6:00 pm
Baptismal Preparation
Saturday, February 15
10:00 am
Baptismal Preparation Class
Wednesday, February 19
6:00 pm
Mommy Ministry
Sabika Bingo
Saturday, February 1
1:00 pm
Directions to the Church
507 Harrison St., Princeton, WV 24740
From I-77 North take exit 9, Princeton, & turn left at the top of the ramp.
From I-77 South take exit 9, Princeton, & turn right at the top of the ramp.
Proceed to the 4 way intersection which contains an Exxon, Days Inn, Marathon Gas Station, and a church. Turn right at this stoplight {if you turn left you head to Applebees, Texas Steakhouse and several hotels}. The road ends in about 50 feet, take a left on to Thorn St. Travel past McDonalds, go straight through the first stop light and over a bridge. Go through the second stop light. Then turn at the first left, this is Sixth Street. The church will be straight head.
Fr. Sebastian E. Devasya | Pastor | |
Laura Wyatt | Parish Secretary | |
Kim Hickman | Office Manager | |
Lorin Albin | Youth Ministry Coordinator | |
TBA | Campus Minister | |
Laura Wyatt | Religious Ed. Coordinator |