Liturgical Ministries

The Altar Care/Sacristy Ministry assists in the care and upkeep of our church and sacristy. This includes but is not limited to taking care of priests’ vestments, washing and cleaning everything used during Mass in the church and on the altar, changing and watering flowers in the church and chapels, and set up and cleanup for funerals.
For more information, contact Tess Byron at 304-888-5581 or

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They assist the priest with distribution of Holy Communion at Mass when needed, and take Holy Communion to sick and shut-ins of the parish. Training is required.  For more information contact Susie Pace at 304-920-5500 or

The role of a lector is to bring the Word of God to life for the congregation. Lectors are responsible for conveying the message of the Bible with clarity, reverence, and conviction. The Lector may also have other duties such as making announcements, carrying the Book of the Gospel in the opening procession, reading the prayer intentions, etc.  For more information contact Susie Pace at 304-920-5500 or

These volunteers assist with the preparation for a funeral service lunch, including setting up the hall, serving food, and cleaning up afterwards. This allows the family a chance to celebrate the life of the deceased within the privacy of our church family . For more information contact Kim Hickman at 304-425-3664 or

They make sure all who come to Mass feel welcome when they arrive, assist with seating when necessary, distribute Worship Aids, take up the collection, etc.  For more information contact Susie Pace at 304-920-5500 or