Adult Ministries

These ladies meet weekly on Thursday at 10:15 am. Currently, the focus is: (1) prayer, (2) from reading, discussion, journaling – how the scripture readings each Sunday can guide our daily living.  For more information, contact Susie Pace at 304-920-5500 or

These men of the Parish meet every other Thursday at 10:15 in the Narthex. They discuss scripture readings, and hold prayer for those in need. For more information contact Jim Cosgrove or Bill Picknally.

This nationally recognized program is thriving at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. As of 2024, our Parish is only the 2nd WV based Parish to provide this ministry to the women of the Catholic Faith. This program enables women to know Christ personally through scripture. This group is open to all women … We’ve saved a chair just for you! Come as you are no matter where you are in your faith journey.  They meet on Thursdays at 6:30 pm in the Narthex. For more information contact KD Coleman at 304-888-5647 or Laura Wyatt at 304-425-3664

One Sunday at a Time is the essential companion to the Sunday readings and the ideal resource for busy Catholics who want to get more out of Mass. It also includes prayers and a weekly challenge to help you incorporate the message of the Sunday readings into your daily life. The extra-wide margins are perfect for notetaking. They meet on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am in the conference room. For more information contact KD Coleman at 304-888-5647.

Parishioners serve to minister to families with babies in both our parish and community by supporting and caring for them to improve their well-being. We visit families with newborns in our parish to provide a meal and gifts for mother and baby. We collaborate with Catholic Charities to help maintain a baby pantry for the community. We knit and crochet items to keep babies warm and comfortable. For more information contact Renee Green or Mary Jane Albin.

Founded in 1882, the Fraternal Order of the Knights of Columbus is dedicated to the noble precepts of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. Their initial purpose is to strengthen the faith of Catholic men, provide charity to the needy, as well as a secure future for its members.  For more information contact Kirt Suehs at 304-960-0982.